Pilar Marqués Sánchez

I work at the University of León, as a teacher in the Degree of Nursing and in the Master of Research in Sociosanitary Sciences. I teach in topics related to management in health organizations, health policies and networks.

I studied Nursing at the University of Santiago de Compostela, and Humanities and the Higher Degree of Nursing at the European University of Madrid. My PhD was developed at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of León with complementary training at the College of Gatton (USA). My research stays were carried out at the Institute for Population Health and at the School of Social Sciences (U. of Manchester).

Currently, I am Director of the SALBIS Research Group. My lines of research are: The Social Network Analysis applied to the field of health, behavior, culture and values in health organizations, and technological innovation in health. I belong to the Editorial Committee of Global Nursing.

Social networks

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