Ana Felicitas López

I am a Professor at the University of León, starting my professional career in the clinical field as a Physiotherapist since 1990, and as a teacher in the 2001-2002 academic year, in the Diploma of Physiotherapy and later in the Degree in Physiotherapy. I also teach in the Master of Research in Social and Health Sciences and in the Interuniversity Master in Aging and Quality of Life. My academic background is Diploma in Physiotherapy. Degree in Psychology. Specialty in Clinical Psychology and Master in Psychopathology in Health. I completed the DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) and did my Doctoral Thesis on the History of Electrotherapy.

I am the coordinator of the clinical practices of the students of the Degree in Physiotherapy, highlighting my coordination activity between the University and the different clinical care centers. With extensive experience in management activities, and numerous unipersonal positions held at the University, highlighting among others my work as coordinator of Internships and Coordinator of International Mobility Programs for students of Health Sciences.
My interest in committing myself to the group comes from my motivation in the field of international projection. It is a field in which I feel comfortable, and so I endorse it with stays as the University of Burch (Sarajevo), or the University of Leuven (Belgium).

My scientific activity is focused on the Physiotherapy and Health Programs and on the History of Physiotherapy.


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