Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Associate Professor.
Director of the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Associate Professor. Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering and Automation. University of Leon
Associate Professor at Department of Electric, Systems and Automatics Engineering at University of Leon.
Associate Professor (tenure) at Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy
Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Associate Professor Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Associate professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon
Associate professor. Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of Leon
Teaching Assistant. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon
Assistant Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.
Permanent Lecturer. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of León, Ponferrada Campus.
Assistant Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of León.
Advisor of the Chair Social Responsibility of the UNED and professor of the Master of Corporate Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca
Professor and Final Degree Coordinator at the University Center San Rafael -Nebrija
Academic Degree: MSc. University of Southampton, Faculty of Health Sciences, Southampton (UK)
Profesora Contratada Doctor en el Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Part-time lecturer at the Universidad de León, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León