Our team

Pilar Marqués Sánchez

Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Mª Elena Fernández Martínez

Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Francisco Javier Pérez Rivera

Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy

Cristina Liébana Presa

Associate Professor.
Director of the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Carmen Benavides Cuéllar

Associate Professor. Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering and Automation. University of Leon

José Alberto Benítez Andrades

Associate Professor at Department of Electric, Systems and Automatics Engineering at University of Leon.

Raquel Leirós Rodríguez

Associate Professor (tenure) at Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy

Doctora Ana Felicitas López
Ana Felicitas López

Associate Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Arrate Pinto Carral

Lecturer. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon

Mª Mercedes Reguera García

Associate Professor n the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy

Elena Andina Díaz

Associate Professor Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Mª José Álvarez Álvarez

Associate professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon

Ana María de Benito Trigueros
Associate Professor

Associate professor. Department of Physical Education and Sport. University of Leon

Enedina Quiroga Sánchez

Associate Professor at the University of León

Rubén García Fernández

Teaching Assistant. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon

Óscar Rodríguez Nogueira

Assistant Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of Leon.

Mª Cristina Martínez Fernández

Permanent Lecturer. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of León, Ponferrada Campus.

Bibiana Trevissón Redondo
Assistant Professor

Lecturer at the University of León

Natalia Calvo Ayuso
Natalia Calvo Ayuso

Assistant Professor. Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy. University of León.

Sergio Rubio Martín
Associate Researcher

Degree in Computer Engineering

Natalia Arias Ramos
Research associate

Associate Professor at the University of León

Roser Fernández Peña
Research associate

University of Cantabria

Jorge Vega Núñez
Research associate

Director of INTECCA UNED

David Sánchez Paunero
Research associate

Advisor of the Chair Social Responsibility of the UNED and professor of the Master of Corporate Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca

Lara Martínez Gimeno
Research associate

Professor and Final Degree Coordinator at the University Center San Rafael -Nebrija

Néstor Serrano Fuentes
Research associate

Academic Degree: MSc. University of Southampton, Faculty of Health Sciences, Southampton (UK)

Mª Antonia Ovalle Perandones
Research associate

Profesora Contratada Doctor en el Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Ana Belén Arredondo Provecho
Associate Researcher

Part-time lecturer at the Universidad de León, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León

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    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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