All posts by: Sergio Rubio Martín

by in Events

Researchers from the SALBIS group conducted a workshop at the Ponferrada edition of EXPOCIENCIA.

On Six members of the SALBIS group, Arrate Pinto, Ana Felicitas López, Raquel Leirós, Mª José Álvarez, Óscar Rodríguez, and Rubén García, led a workshop titled “The First Steps We All Take” at the recent edition of EXPOCIENCIA held in Ponferrada. The workshop consisted of an educational breakout session on the phenomena surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, […]

by in International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Researchers from the SALBIS group actively participate in the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Four researchers from the SALBIS group, Arrate Pinto, Mª José Álvarez, Ana Mª de Benito, and Raquel Leirós, have conducted a workshop as part of the special outreach activities associated with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Specifically, their activity was titled “Bodies in Balance: Tensegrity Workshop”, where they explained, demonstrated, and […]

by in Research stay

Internationalisation of the SALBIS Group at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto

Professors Cristina Liébana Presa, Bibiana Trevissón Redondo, Enedina Quiroga Sánchez and Elena Fernández Martínez have carried out a teaching and research stay, thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, from 5 to 9 February 2024 at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP), Portugal @EnfermagemPorto These days have developed working meetings with colleagues Carlos Sequeira […]

by in Achievements, Events

Natalia Calvo Ayuso, Corresponding Academic of the Academy of Nursing in Galicia

On January 26th, Natalia Calvo Ayuso was recognized as a Corresponding Academic by the Academy of Nursing in Galicia. The appointment took place during an emotional ceremony held at the Pazo de San Roque in Santiago de Compostela. This honor reflects her commitment to excellence in research and the promotion of health and well-being in […]

by in Uncategorized

Engineering applied to salutogenic areas in urban environments

Pilar Marqués and Jose Alberto Benítez from SALBIS Research Group, collaborate in a project of the ULEtech CIRCULAR Chair, jointly with Laura Estévez Mauriz specialized in applied acoustics and María Fernández in agenda 2030. This is a social innovation initiative, supported by the Ponferrada City Council, with the aim of generating public purchasing proposals through […]

by in Achievements, Events

Professor Lara Martínez Gimeno, winner of the prize for the best Oral Communication at the 27th International Nursing Research Conference.

The work “Social networks of knowledge transfer in a project for the implementation of evidence in clinical practice” whose authors are: Lara Martínez Gimeno, Gema Escobar Aguilar, Maria Antonia Ovalle Perendones, Pilar Marqués Sanchez and Jose Alberto Benitez Andrades has won the prize for the best oral communication at the XXVII International Nursing Research Conference […]

by in SALBIS in media

Enhancing Health and Well-being in Bierzo’s Forests: Unveiling the Cátedra ULEtech CIRCULAR

On the 19th of October, 8 Bierzo broadcasted a captivating report aimed at introducing the Cátedra ULEtech CIRCULAR to the public. This initiative is spearheaded by our esteemed colleague, Pilar Marqués, and has garnered active participation and collaboration from our colleagues and researchers in the field of engineering and health José Alberto Benítez, María José […]

by in Research

SALBIS members organise a Research Topic “Adolescent Addictions and Risky Behaviors: Implications for Health”

Dr. Elena Fernández, Dr. María Cristina Martínez, from the SALBIS Group (University of León, Spain), and Dr. Paulo Seabra (Lisbon School of Nursing) lead this research topic in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry. Our aim in this topic is to address the different challenges faced by adolescents during this stage, to explore the risks to […]

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