All posts by: Sergio Rubio Martín

by in Events

SALBIS Group Participates in Science Week 2024

Last Friday, November 15th, members of the SALBIS research group conducted an outreach workshop at the Gil y Carrasco Institute in Ponferrada as part of the Science Week 2024 activities. Under the title “We Are Electricity, We Are Movement”, the workshop allowed students to explore the practical applications of muscle electrostimulation. Through hands-on experiments on different […]

by in Courses

Members of the SALBIS Research Group promote nurse empowerment from the Ponferrada Campus

Pilar Marqués, together with Gema Serrano, David Bermejo, Enrique Oltra, Cristina Martínez and Natalia Arias promote a workshop on nurse empowerment. The objectives were: To analyse the challenges that the dissemination of nursing leadership poses to young professionals. To establish empowerment challenges in the form of slogans at the levels of care (hospital and community), […]

by in Conferences, Events


Pilar Marqués delivered the inaugural conference at the 2CECBE Castilla y León, with the title ‘Nurse and networks: the power of invisible ties’. The lecture briefly covered the concepts of empowerment and the methodology of Social Network Analysis (SNA). Marqués introduced the SNA algorithms useful for empowerment at micro, meso and macro level, i.e. ‘degree […]

by in Events

Members of the SALBIS research group develop the workshop “Exploring the Nursing of the future” at the III Summer Scientific Campus of the University of León

Our colleagues Elena Andina and Elena Fernández have participated in the III Summer Scientific Campus of the University of León The workshop “Exploring the Nursing of the Future” has allowed attendees to visualize and experience how new technologies are used and facilitate nursing care.This workshop has been designed and implemented in collaboration with researchers […]

by in Research stay

Erasmus + Training stay at the School of Nursing in Lisbon (Portugal)

From 3 to 7 June 2024 two members of the SALBIS research group of the Universidad de León carried out a stay at the Escola Superior de Enfermagen (ESEL) and at the Nursing Research, Innovation and Development Centre of Lisbon (CIDNUR) where meetings were held in order to promote future collaborative projects.

by in Research stay

Training Rotation of Nursing Resident Nurses in the Family and Community Nursing Speciality in the SALBIS Research Group

During their first year of residency in the specialty of Family and Community Nursing, Alba Jonte Prieto, resident at the Condesa Health Center, Lucía García Fernández, resident at the José Aguado Health Center, and Verónica Magaz Orejas, resident at the Antonio Gutiérrez Health Center (Eras de Renueva), had the opportunity to do an external rotation […]

by in Uncategorized

SALBIS on 8 Bierzo

On 28th May, 8 Bierzo interviewed Dr Rubén García Fernández and Dr Natalia Calvo Ayuso from the Salbis group, both involved in the II Conference: The right to health and equal treatment of minorities: analysis of the Roma community and good health practices. During the interview, the importance of a holistic and culturally competent approach […]

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