All posts by: Sergio Rubio Martín

by in Congress

SALBIS group researcher participates in the XLVI International Congress of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials

On 2 and 3 December 2024, Ana de Benito, researcher of the SALBIS group, participated in the XLVI International Congress of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials organised by the University of Valencia. The final degree project carried out by the student María Rosa Arias, a recent graduate in Podiatry at the Ponferrada Campus, […]

by in Courses

Sergio Rubio Martín delivers a course on artificial intelligence at the Ponferrada Campus

On December 3rd, the Ponferrada Campus of the University of León hosted the course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Practical Applications in the Workplace,” an initiative promoted by the Extraordinary ULEtech CIRCULAR Chair in collaboration with the Ponferrada City Council. The course was delivered by Sergio Rubio Martín, a researcher from the SALBIS group, who introduced attendees to key […]

by in Congress, Courses

Researchers from the SALBIS Group Participate in the I International and IV National GASBI Conference 2024 in Ponferrada

From November 27 to 29, 2024, the I International and IV National GASBI Conference was held in Ponferrada, organized by the Nursing Directorate of the Bierzo Healthcare Management (GASBI), the University of León (Ponferrada Campus), the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, and the León Nursing Association, under the theme “Nursing: Intelligence in Care.” Several […]

by in Congress, Events

SALBIS participates in the First National Congress of the NAMUD Network – Applied Nutrition for Female Athletes

On November 22nd, researchers from the SALBIS group, along with professionals in nursing, physical activity, and sports, took part in the First National Congress of the NAMUD Network – Applied Nutrition for Female Athletes. They contributed to the event by leading a roundtable discussion titled “Physiological Perspectives and Training for Pregnant Women: A Multidisciplinary Approach,” […]

by in divulgation

The SALBIS Group Brings Science Week to Urban and Rural Schools in Ponferrada

On November 14th and 18th, 2024, several members of the SALBIS research group, together with professors of podiatry and nursing, conducted the workshop “What Are Your Feet and Balance Like?” as part of the activities of the 2024 Science Week. The workshop was held at the Colegio Diocesano San Ignacio de Ponferrada and in the classrooms of Columbrianos, Cabañas Raras, and Sancedo at the CRA […]

by in Events

SALBIS Group Participates in Science Week 2024

Last Friday, November 15th, members of the SALBIS research group conducted an outreach workshop at the Gil y Carrasco Institute in Ponferrada as part of the Science Week 2024 activities. Under the title “We Are Electricity, We Are Movement”, the workshop allowed students to explore the practical applications of muscle electrostimulation. Through hands-on experiments on different […]

by in Courses

Members of the SALBIS Research Group promote nurse empowerment from the Ponferrada Campus

Pilar Marqués, together with Gema Serrano, David Bermejo, Enrique Oltra, Cristina Martínez and Natalia Arias promote a workshop on nurse empowerment. The objectives were: To analyse the challenges that the dissemination of nursing leadership poses to young professionals. To establish empowerment challenges in the form of slogans at the levels of care (hospital and community), […]

by in Conferences, Events


Pilar Marqués delivered the inaugural conference at the 2CECBE Castilla y León, with the title ‘Nurse and networks: the power of invisible ties’. The lecture briefly covered the concepts of empowerment and the methodology of Social Network Analysis (SNA). Marqués introduced the SNA algorithms useful for empowerment at micro, meso and macro level, i.e. ‘degree […]

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