All posts by: José Alberto Benítez Andrades

by in SALBIS in media

Interview with Arrate Pinto Carral from SALBIS Group about the health consequences of teleworking

Since last March, many people have been doing the work from home, i.e. teleworking. Despite the fact that teleworking has many advantages, it can be quite harmful to our health, both physically and mentally. Our colleague Arrate Pinto Carral, from the SALBIS group, together with Cristina Suarez, Professor of Physiotherapy at the Ponferrada Campus of […]

by in Conferences, Congress, Courses

SALBIS and SECOMUCI present virtual work on cybersecurity at WorldCIST 2020

This year the “8th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies WorldCIST’20” was to be held in Budva, Montenegro, from 6 to 11 April 2020. Due to the circumstances in which we currently find ourselves because of the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic, the organization of the event has given the opportunity to the speakers to present […]

by in Conferences, Congress

SALBIS participates at the BIOSTEC 2020 conference presenting a paper of Healthy and Happy application

This week, on February 24th, 25th and 26th, the “International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies” (BIOSTEC 2020) was held in Valletta, Malta. This conference is a union of 5 different congresses: BIODEVICES – Biomedical Electronics and Devices BIOIMAGING BIOINFORMATICS – Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms BIOSIGNALS – Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing […]

by in Congress

SALBIS at the Nursing Connect International Conference

From February 24 to 26, SALBIS Research group was at the Nursing Connect International Nursing Conference held in Lisbon (Portugal). María López (University of Valladolid), Roser Fernández (University of Cantabria) and Néstor Serrano (University of Southampton) were part of the panel discussion, “Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Nursing”. Pilar Marqués organised this panel to disseminate […]

by in Congress

SALBIS, along with other professionals, in the #VCongresoFisioterapiayDolor

On February 13, 14 and 15, the 5th International Congress of Physiotherapy and Pain was held in Zaragoza, where topics related to the current approach based on active coping strategies for people with pain and the latest advances in pain neurophysiology were discussed. Arrate Pinto Carral, as a member of SALBIS research group, together with […]

by in SALBIS in media

SALBIS in the Magazine of La 8 Bierzo talking about the project Sano y Feliz

On February 13, our colleagues Natalia Arias Ramos and José Alberto Benítez Andrades participated in the Magazine of La 8 Bierzo. In this program, they explained what the project “Acquisition of healthy routines in adolescent population with tendency to obesity, through an automated coaching platform based on social networks and Semantic Web” consisted of. You […]

by in International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Women and Girls in Science Day 2020 – Is there WIFI?

From the SALBIS Research Group, our partner Carmen Benavides, in cooperation with José Alberto Benítez Andrades and with the researchers of the group SECOMUCI (Seguridad y Conocomiento en el Mundo Cibernético) has given a talk on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020. This talk was part of the workshops […]

by in International Day of Women and Girls in Science

SALBIS in the “EL APERITIVO” radiophonic social gathering of Onda Bierzo

This Monday, February 10 and coinciding with the week of “Women and the girl in Science”, our partners Enedina Quiroga, Elena Fernández and Cristina Martínez, participated in the radio program “EL APERITIVO” Onda Bierzo. This program has dedicated part of its contents to nursing professionals, taking advantage of the fact that WHO has declared this […]

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