All posts by: José Alberto Benítez Andrades

by in SALBIS in media

Great impact in the national press of a research developed by the SALBIS group

A research and dissemination work developed by Raquel Leirós was published by The Conversation platform a few months ago. The text has already been read by more than 67000 people directly from the mentioned website and, in addition, numerous media have also wanted to publicize the results of the work. The text, which develops the […]

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SALBIS group present at the 2nd joint meeting of the Societies of Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Principality of Asturias and CyL.

On 14 and 15 October 2022, the @GRUPOSALBIS was present at the 2nd joint meeting of the Societies of Geriatrics and Gerontology, the 35th Congress of the Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology of Castilla y León and 11th Congress of the Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Principality of Asturias. Our colleague María Mercedes Reguera García  gave a […]

by in Congress

Several researchers from the SALBIS Group participate in the second EURECA-PRO Conference at the University of León

From 19 to 21 October 2022, the University of León hosted the second “EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production“, an event to share experience, scientific results and the latest developments to achieve the European Union’s (EU) Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12). This international conference has been organised by the Universidad de León within […]

by in Events, Uncategorized

SALBIS participates in the XL+1 Health Economics Conference

Pilar Marqués participated in XL+1 Jornadas de la Economía de la Salud, with the presentation Micro management of care through networking: a prelude to macro management. She showed how Social Network Analysis is the appropriate methodological approach to evaluate the social structure generated in organisations. It was also underlined how microstructures build the macro levels […]

by in Research stay

The SALBIS group and the Escola Superior de Enfermagem of the Universidade do Minho strengthen their collaboration.

Under the Erasmus + programme, our colleagues Cristina Liébana, Enedina Quiroga, Elena Andina, Natalia Arias and Elena Fernández have carried out a stay at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem of the Universidade do Minho (Portugal) @ese.uminho During the stay, they have continued developing the joint projects that the SALBIS Group currently has with different researchers […]

by in Events

Participation in international project CCA-EUnurse

Our colleagues Elena Fernández-Martínez, Elena Andina-Díaz, Pilar Marqués-Sanchez and Rubén García-Fernández participate in the CCA-EUNurse project coordinated by the San Rafael Center of the Nebrija University, which aims to evaluate the cultural competences of the Nursing Degree in the European Higher Education Area. It has the participation of 25 international universities from 17 different countries […]

by in Research stay

Gabriela Kołodyńska finishes her pre-doctoral stay at the Ponferrada Campus with the SALBIS group.

On May 6, a postdoctoral student from the Polish Wroclaw University (University of Wroclaw) completed a pre-doctoral stay granted by the ERASMUS+ program. The student, who belongs to the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences of the mentioned institution, has been tutored by our colleague, Raquel Leirós. During her stay, Gabriela has been trained in […]

by in Events

Junior nursing leadership “raises” its voice

Pilar Marqués (Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the University of León and Director of the SALBIS Group) has been present at the I Junior Leadership Congress #cursosfnn. Her inaugural conference highlighted the networking strategies that would be necessary to build professional leadership. In her conclusions, she highlighted the junior enthusiasm she had perceived at […]

by in Research stay

Dr. Cyril Chukwudi Dim, from the University of Nigeria, is on a teaching stay in the SALBIS group

The SALBIS group hosted Dr. Cyril Chukwudi Dim from the University of Nigeria as part of the Erasmus KA107 mobility programme promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation of the University of León. During his stay at the Ponferrada campus he has had the opportunity to carry out various activities. In this line, she has given […]

by in Events

SALBIS presents two workshops at EXPOCIENCIA 2022: “Tell me who you network with, and I’ll tell you who you are” and “Measure your strengths”

On 30 and 31 March, the “Expociencia 2022” was held in Ponferrada, with the participation of multiple research groups from the University of León, aimed at schools and the general public. On this occasion, more than 600 schoolchildren from the Bierzo region took part. Our SALBIS research group was part of this event through the […]

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