All posts by: José Alberto Benítez Andrades

by in Doctoral thesis, Research

Doctoral thesis: Semantic Technologies applied to Social Network Analysis in health.

Last December 1, 2017, our mate José Alberto Benítez Andrades, defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Semantic Technologies applied to Social Network Analysis in health” at Degree Rom in Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial e Informática  , at the Universidad de León. You can download the memory of the doctoral thesis, as well as the presentation: Doctoral Thesis memory. Presentation.  

by in Events, Research

Social Network Analysis and Childhood and Adolescent Obesity

Our workmate, PhD. Natalia Arias was interviewed in the local TV Channel 8 Bierzo She spoke about the childhood and adolescent obesity pandemic and she highlighted the mainly results of her doctoral thesis in a program with high audience. “The boys who practice sports have a greater social prestige than the girls, among them.” “Higher the socioeconomic […]

by in Courses, Workshops

IV – Summer Course in SNA and IV Workshop of research: SNA and Health

Summer of Social Network Analysis in Ponferrada. IV – Summer Course in SNA and IV Workshop of research: SNA and Health. En-REDandando in Way of St. James Book these days: 28th,29th, 30th and 1st of July 2017. Soon more information. Summer course – Networks and Health_17_Deadline Summer course – Networks and Health_17_chronogram

Switch The Language

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