The SALBIS group and the Escola Superior de Enfermagem of the Universidade do Minho strengthen their collaboration.
Under the Erasmus + programme, our colleagues Cristina Liébana, Enedina Quiroga, Elena Andina, Natalia Arias and Elena Fernández have carried out a stay at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem of the Universidade do Minho (Portugal) @ese.uminho
During the stay, they have continued developing the joint projects that the SALBIS Group currently has with different researchers of the School, as well as they have presented their research results to students and teachers Cd5ZUbKI5qQ/ and visited the famous COVID-19 vaccination centre where they could share knowledge with the nurse Céu Ameixinha @mcaa1965, an example of leadership and team organisation.
During the stay, they have continued developing the joint projects that the SALBIS Group currently has with different researchers of the School, as well as they have presented their research results to students and teachers