Dr. Cyril Chukwudi Dim, from the University of Nigeria, is on a teaching stay in the SALBIS group
The SALBIS group hosted Dr. Cyril Chukwudi Dim from the University of Nigeria as part of the Erasmus KA107 mobility programme promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation of the University of León.
During his stay at the Ponferrada campus he has had the opportunity to carry out various activities. In this line, she has given classes in the different courses of the nursing degree in the subjects of Management, Maternal and Child Health and Transculturality, health and gender explaining the organisation of the Nigerian health system, the perspective of the health of Nigerian women and the importance of the influence of cultural and gender factors on the health of the Nigerian population. On the other hand, she was also able to visit the event of scientific knowledge transfer to the community “Expociencia 2022” held on the Ponferrada campus during her stay.
Your stay has been, without a doubt, very rewarding and enriching as it allowed us to exchange ideas and impressions and create new synergies. We hope to see him again soon and to continue collaborating with him and the University of Nigeria.