SALBIS research group participates in the III Simpósio Internacional Network Science (Brazil)
On October 20th 2020, the researcher associated with the SALBIS research group, María Antonia Ovalle Perandones presented a lecture at the opening conference in the III Simpósio Internacional Network Science, with title “Pandemic evidence of SNA” and the research group members of SALBIS were identified in the co-author network of the journal IJERPH.
One day later, October 21st 2020, in the same symposium was presented the book «Redes Sociais. Como compreendê-las? Uma introdução à análise de redes sociais» under the coordination of Joaquim Fialho. He, María Antonia Ovalle Perandones, Pilar Marqués Sánchez and José Alberto Benítez Andrades wrote in collaboration the chapter 7th «Fundamentos teóricos das redes de Modo 2 e casos aplicados de Redes Bimodais na Saúde». The book was edited by Sílabo.