Pilar Marqués joins the “Group 40 + Nursing Initiative”, within the working group “Nursing Research”.
The group is made up of 40 Spanish nurses. Its objective is to propose future initiatives and promote their dissemination in order to generate opinion and influence decision-making that affects the profession.
Members of Grupo40 + Nursing Initiative

Working group in the area of research Nurse.

From left to right
Nuria de Árguila. Hospital Cruz Roja de Madrid
Ana Isabel Ganso . Hospital Río Ortega de Valladolid.
Ana García Pozo. Hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid
José Ramón Martínez. Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Alicante. Coordinador de este grupo.
Vicente Gea Caballero. Escuela de Enfermería La Fe, Valencia
Maite Moreno. INVESTEN., Madrid
Pilar Marqués, SALBIS, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de León.
Pilar Marqués and Mari Paz Mompart