Elena Andina gives the seminar “Methodologies based on the Social Networks Analysis and Qualitative Methodologies in Nursing, exploring possibilities” at the Campus of Esteiro (Ferrol)
On February 13, 2019 our colleague Elena Andina Díaz gave the seminar “Methodologies based on the Analysis of Social Networks and Qualitative methodologies in Nursing, exploring possibilities”, in the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry (https://www.udc.es/es/centros_departamentos_servizos/centros/centro/?codigo=750) of the Esteiro Campus (Ferrol) (http://campusindustrial.udc.gal/?lang=es) (@CIFerrol) of the University of La Coruña (@UDC_gal).
An interesting meeting in which we were able to share ideas with the Director of the Department of Health Sciences, Mª Jesús Movilla Fernández, the Dean of the Faculty, Emma Rodríguez Maseda, and their respective teams.My thanks to all of them for the warmth reception.